In the year 2000, nearly 800 000 new cases were diagnosed and there were 550 000 deaths due to cancer. A majority of the new patients come for treatment when their cancer is in the advanced stage and the cure rates are much lower.


Efficient Doctors and Specialists on board available.

As in all cancers, the most effective way of approaching oral cancer prevention is to identify individuals who are at a high risk .

Dental Education Forum (DEF)

Dental education involves the teaching and learning of the future generations of dentists to prevent, diagnose and treat oral diseases.

Oral Cancer Detection Centre.

During an oral cancer screening exam, dentist looks over the inside of your mouth to check for red or white patches or mouth sores.

Tobacco De-Addiction Centre

How to stop Tobacco addiction forever  immediately.

First Stage Study Oral Cancer .

if you have any persistent signs and symptoms that bother you and last more than two weeks.

Oral Cancer Surgery

Surgery is the main treatment for most people with mouth cancer. Usually these tumors can be removed through the opening of the oral cavity.

Cancer Awareness

Cervical cancer awareness

Which is represented by a teal coloured ribbon and according to the World Health Organization.

World Cancer Day

An international awareness day led by the Union for International Cancer Control  to raise  attention and inspire action for a cancer.

International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day

International Childhood Cancer Day  is celebrated to emphasize the need for early diagnosis of childhood cancer.

Head and Neck Cancers

April is Awareness Month for Esophageal, Head & Neck, and Testicular Cancers

World Lung Cancer Day

Commemorates, celebrates and supports those impacted by lung cancer.

World Pancreatic Cancer Day

Communities and organizations around the world unite to shine a light on pancreatic cancer .