Oral Cancer: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Affected by oral cancer

Overall, about 11 people in 100,000 will develop oral cancer during their lifetime. Men are more likely than women to develop oral cancer.

Oral cavity

Your lips.Your gums.The lining of the inside of your cheeks.The first two-thirds of your tongue .The first part of the roof of your mouth.

Causes oral cancer

Oral cancer starts in the squamous cells in your oral cavity. Squamous cells are flat and, when viewed under a microscope, look like a fish scale.

habits develop oral cancer

Smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes,Use smokeless tobacco products such as chewing tobacco, dip, snuff or water pipes (hookah or shush),Regularly drink

cancer symptoms

These conditions all appear as patches in your mouth and throat, but they’re different colors. Lukoplakia-white or gray patches,Erythroplakia-flat red patches,Erythroleukoplakia-red and white patches.

diagnose oral cancer

Brush biopsy also called scrape biopsy,Incisional biopsy,Indirect laryngoscopy & pharyngoscopy,Direct pharyngoscopy and laryngoscopy.Diagnostic tests help determine a cancer’s stage.

The three main treatment options for oral (mouth) are surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Talk to your doctor about the purpose, side effects and ways to manage side effects for all of your options.

The kind of oral cancer that you have.

If the oral cancer you have has spread from the original site to other parts of your mouth and throat or other parts of your body.


Oral Health is vital for overall well-being and quality of life.


Need to educate & spread knowledge of proper care & prevention of dental diseases

Awareness Programme

Dental public health programs can improve the lives of those who otherwise wouldn’t have access to dental care

  • Primary tumor surgery: Healthcare providers remove tumors through your mouth or an incision in your neck.
  • Glossectomy: This is the partial or total removal of your tongue.
  • Mandibulectomy: This is surgery for oral cancer in your jawbone.
  • Maxillectomy: This surgery removes part or all of the hard palate, which is the bony roof of your mouth.
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy: This test helps healthcare providers know if cancer has spread beyond the original oral cancer.
  • Neck dissection: This surgery is done to remove lymph nodes from your neck.

  • Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses strong beams of energy to kill cancer cells or keep them from growing. may combine radiation therapy with other treatments.
  • Targeted Therapy : This cancer treatment uses drugs or other substances to precisely identify and attack certain types of cancer cells without hurting normal cells. Monoclonal antibodies are immune system proteins that are created in the lab .
  • Chemotherapy:  use anti-cancer drugs that kill cancer cells, including treatments that affect most parts of your body.
  • Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy is a cancer treatment that engages your immune system to fight the disease