Our Services

Endodontists (dental specialists) repair tissues inside the tooth in intricate ways. They diagnose and treat complex causes of tooth pain, such as tooth abscess (infection). Endodontists perform root canal treatments and other procedures to relieve pain. They work to save your natural tooth.

Endodontists have the expertise and a higher level of training in root canals, so they may charge more than a general dentist to perform a procedure. Endodontic treatment typically produces exceptional results, with higher success rates than getting a root canal at a general dentist.

A root canal is performed when the endodontist removes the infected pulp and nerve in the root of the tooth, cleans and shapes the inside of the root canal, then fills and seals the space.

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Root Canal

Depending on the amount of infection in your tooth, root canal therapy may require one or two appointments. On average, a root canal takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete. If you are having treatment on a larger tooth with multiple roots, it can take up to an hour and a half.

Endodontists Specialize In Treating Dental Trauma Such As A Tooth Fracture. For serious damage to a tooth, an endodontist is the right professional to see. This dentist focuses on repairing trauma caused by accidents and injuries.