Oral Cancer: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Affected by oral cancer
Overall, about 11 people in 100,000 will develop oral cancer during their lifetime. Men are more likely than women to develop oral cancer.
Oral cavity
Your lips.Your gums.The lining of the inside of your cheeks.The first two-thirds of your tongue .The first part of the roof of your mouth.
Causes oral cancer
Oral cancer starts in the squamous cells in your oral cavity. Squamous cells are flat and, when viewed under a microscope, look like a fish scale.
habits develop oral cancer
Smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes,Use smokeless tobacco products such as chewing tobacco, dip, snuff or water pipes (hookah or shush),Regularly drink
cancer symptoms
These conditions all appear as patches in your mouth and throat, but they’re different colors. Lukoplakia-white or gray patches,Erythroplakia-flat red patches,Erythroleukoplakia-red and white patches.
diagnose oral cancer
Brush biopsy also called scrape biopsy,Incisional biopsy,Indirect laryngoscopy & pharyngoscopy,Direct pharyngoscopy and laryngoscopy.Diagnostic tests help determine a cancer’s stage.